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Providers we work with

Dr. Steve Rad is an exceptional maternal fetal medicine specialist who we refer to for his unmatched ultrasound expertise. He is also one of the few local OB/GYN's who we work closely with when needed for  consultation, or collaboration.

Dr. Barry Brock is a wonderful traditional OB/GYN with over 30 years of high volume, high acuity experience. He is our go-to when things are complicated or just vary from normal such as Breech which many doctors have limited capabilities to manage.

Dr. Daniel Niku is a great modern OB/GYN with a unique style and interest in patient autonomy and informed consent. He has a fun and informative instagram account that we occasionally get to participate in. We love collaborating with him as a part of the team for our patients.

Dr. Joseph Roofeh works in Culver City and aims to offer a luxury OB/GYN experience. He is well traveled and thus has a unique broad perspective which is a major advantage to us and his clients. He is skilled and attentive. A welcome newer member of our team.

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